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Tutorial: Build Covid-19 Support care flow

Sanne Willekens avatar
Written by Sanne Willekens
Updated over a week ago

Congratulations πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ

You have build a COVID-19 support care flow.

We hope you enjoyed the tutorial. You can always reach us via the intercom button and provide feedback.


Specific COVID onboarding questionnaire

  • Q1: Have you tested positive on COVID in the last week?

    • Yes

    • No

  • Q2: (If Q1=yes) When did you test positive?

  • Q3: (If Q1=yes) Did you experience any symptoms in the past 24h?

    • Yes

    • No

  • Q4: (If Q3=yes) Which of the following symptoms did you experience in the past 24h

    • Fever

    • Cough

    • Shortness of breath

    • Loss of sense of smell or taste

    • Chills

    • Sore throat or painful swallowing

    • Runny nose or congestion

    • Feeling unwell or fatigued

    • Nausea or vomiting or diarrhea

    • Unexplained loss of appetite

    • Muscle or joint aches, headache, conjunctivitis (pink eye)

    • Loss of consciousness

  • Q5: (If Q1=yes) Were you admitted to the hospital for your recent Covid infection?

    • yes

    • no

Our help pages, to support you when building a care flow

The Awell Score Browser, to explore the calculations we can offer.

Information on the Promis-10.

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