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Set your track triggers

Activate the right track at the right moment

Sanne Willekens avatar
Written by Sanne Willekens
Updated over a week ago

Once you've split your care flow into different tracks, you need to determine the sequence or trigger of events to activate each track.

Track activation triggers

There are six trigger types to help you build more complex care flows.

The first three, more basic trigger types, allow you to control the sequence of events and tie your workflow together in time. On top, you can enrich your flow by adding conditions to this sequence and in essence, allow expanding scope of your flow to assemble and yet split off tracks for your patient population when necessary:

  • "When care flow starts": the track will be activated when you start your care flow. Watch this video

  • "When step is completed": the track will be activated when you finish a specific step in a specific track. You can even add conditions under which the track should be activated. Watch this video

  • "When track is completed": the track will be activated when you finish a specific track. You can even define the conditions under which the track should be activated. Watch this video

The 2 more advanced trigger types are associated with data point (non) collection in your care flow. Think of it as an automation mechanism to perform alerting, follow-up reporting, repetitive tasks per each specific event in your flow - regardless of it's timing/occurrence in the care flow.

  • "When data point is collected": the track will be activated upon collection of a specified data point. You can even define the conditions of this data point to make your logic more powerful. Example: Every time when data point "BMI calculation" is collected and the data point is lower than the value "18.5 kg/m^2", activate track "Underweight follow-up". Watch the video!

  • "When data point is not collected": the track will be activated when a specified data point is not collected by a certain time. Configure the delay timer for your track activation and the start event from which the timer should start counting. On top of this you can define additional conditions under which the track should be activated. Read more on how you can set up reminders. Watch the video!

Lastly, to provide you with more flexibility at run-time to deviate from your fixed care flow design, we allow you to manually add tracks to an ongoing care flow.

  • "When track is manually triggered": the track will be activated when manually triggered either by a human being (in Awell Care) or by performing the correct mutation addTrack against the Awell API.

Add multiple & combine triggers

Awell Studio allows you to combine multiple track triggers. Why would you need this? Imagine you have two different treatment tracks. For both of the treatments the follow-up is the same. You can now create just one follow-up track and trigger it when patients on the treatment 1 have completed their track or when patients on treatment 2 completed their track.

Note: Patients that receive treatment 1 and 2 will have the the follow-up triggered twice. Once when the treatment 1 track is finished and the second time when the treatment 2 track is finished.

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