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View & edit a patient profile

Manage the patients registered in your organization

Sanne Willekens avatar
Written by Sanne Willekens
Updated over a week ago

Using Awell Care

Manage your individual patients, by navigating to their patient profile where you can:

  • Review personal profile information (identification, personal details, contact info)

  • Delete the patient profile

  • View and access all active, completed and stopped care flows

  • View all pending care flow activities

Profile information

Edit and maintain personal information of a patient's profile, for use in the Orchestration of the care flow design, for example:

  • Add your organizations internal 'Patient code' to ease look-ups & data exchange at runtime and in reporting

  • Add the email address to use in the Send Email actions of the Care flow design

Delete the patient profile

If a patient no longer wishes to participate in any care flow activities and/or expresses the right to be forgotten, you can delete the patient profile (and all corresponding care flow data) by navigating to the 'Settings' tab of the patient profile.

πŸ‘€ tip: did you delete a patient by accident? Contact the Awell support team via the blue chat button in the lower left corner of your screen within 30 days, so we can restore the back-up.

Overview of care flows per patient

Navigate to the "Care flows" tab of the patient profile to review and access the list of Active, Completed and Stopped care flows per patient.

πŸ‘€ tip: use the quick-access link on the left hand side to immediately navigate to any active care flows.

Pending care flow activities

Navigate to the "Activities" tab of the patient profile to review the list of pending activities for each stakeholder in the active Care flows for this given patient:

Using the Awell Orchestration API

Update patient profile information

Use the updatePatient mutation of the Awell Orchestration API to update the patient's profile on the Awell platform.

Delete the patient profile

Use the deletePatient mutation of the Awell Orchestration API to delete the patient's profile and all corresponding care flow data on the Awell platform.

πŸ‘€ tip: did you delete a patient by accident? Contact the Awell support team via the blue chat button in the lower left corner of your screen within 30 days, so we can restore the back-up.

Retrieve a list of care flows per patient

Use the getPatientPathways query of the Awell Orchestration API to retrieve a list of all care flows the patient is or was enrolled in on the Awell Platform.

πŸ‘€ tip: filter by status to distinguish between Active, Completed and Stopped care flows.

Retrieve a list of pending care flow activities

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