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Prefill form fields in Awell Care

Pull up previous forms and submit revised answers

Sanne Willekens avatar
Written by Sanne Willekens
Updated over a year ago

Throughout a patient's journey, you often collect and document a ton of information about the patient, such as their initial diagnosis and selected treatment options. It doesn't always make sense to fill out lengthy forms from scratch, but rather revise what has changed from a previous form submission and just tweak as you go.

Through Awell Care you can pull up earlier versions of the same submitted form, see the previous submitted answers and then adjust the individual answers.

Use form prefill

To submit an open form activity, you want to navigate to the Activity feed in Awell Care which is referenced in reviewing and interacting with activities, or following up on pending activities.

Once you have a patient's activity feed in front of you, you want to execute the following steps:

  • Select the form activity by clicking the "Complete form" button, or select the right pending activity in the right-side panel

  • If the same form has been filled out before in the lifespan of this care flow, you will notice it's auto-detected and you can select a previous form submission from the dropdown:

  • Once you select the right form submission to reference (e.g. 18/01/24), the answers will be loaded and you can change the answer option before submitting the form.

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