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How to handle optimization of care flows
How to handle optimization of care flows

Tackle the "Improve" stage of your CareOps lifecycle

Sanne Willekens avatar
Written by Sanne Willekens
Updated over 9 months ago

Once you tested and validated your care flows, and decided to set them Live, it can feel like the end. But it's actually just the beginning.

Care flows are vehicles of continuous improvement, created for a specific purpose, meant to improve a metric or KPI important to your organization.

For example, a pre-appointment care flow may help your organization reduce no-show rates which means the clinic can run more efficient. This pre-appointment care flow can be very modest in the beginning, e.g. your V1 could be just a quick reminder 2 days prior to the Patient's appointment.

Once you start orchestrating this care flow though, and understand your patient population's (non-)adaption and (non-)adherence to it, you can start to set predictable targets and make informed changes to the content of your care flow.

It's not just about moving from V1 to V2, but from V2 to V3 and beyond. The goal is not to implement big-bang changes or overhaul an entire care flow in a single iteration. The overall net-positive effect on your organization will come from the compounding effect of all those small learnings and changes within your organization, reflected in these care flows.

So What?

Awell has made it easy to extract those insights, not by having you hire your own data engineer, but by leveraging Artificial Intelligence and allowing you to chat with your orchestrated data through plain English.

Head over to this article to learn more about the basics of Shelly, our analytics chatbot, or immediately get your hands dirty by diving into Shelly's tips & tricks.

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