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Build your Integrations
Integrate with 3rd parties & exchange the necessary data
API integration basics
REST API Call and Graph QL actions explained
The API call action (GraphQL and REST)Get or send data to any platform or perform external actions.
Store static values in ConstantsConstants are ideal for storing values that remain unchanged.
Connecting to external systems requiring OAuth authentication (client credentials grant)The Two-API Call Roundtrip Method
EHR integration, with Awell Extensions
Awell & HealthieAutomate actions in Healthie's EMR, from within your Awell care flow
Set up a GraphQL API call action with HealthieLearn how to set up the GraphQL API call action to integrate with Healthie
React to Healthie events with your own listenerHow to configure a AWS Lambda function to control and act upon the events that matter to you
EHR integration, with Awell Extensions
Awell & DrChronoAutomate actions in DrChrono's EMR, from within your Awell care flow
Other integrations
Examples of 3rd party system connections with Awell Extensions
Send an email with Mailchimp/MandrillLearn how to send a Transactional email with Mailchimp/Mandril from within a care flow.
Slack integration via ZapierLearn how to send a message with Zapier to Slack from a care flow with the API call action
Sending messages to SlackLearn how to send a message to Slack from a care flow with the API call action
Getting started with IntegrationsHow to set-up an integration between your hospital environment and the Awell Care application
EMR integration terminology (for Traditional Care providers)
How to set up Awell API calls to create patients and manage care flows
How to manage patient creation and care flow management using SIU messagesSIU messages can link your hospital systems and care flow management.