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Create your own form

Build custom forms to collect the data you need in your care flow

Sanne Willekens avatar
Written by Sanne Willekens
Updated over 2 months ago

Forms allow you to collect data from any stakeholder, and use these data inputs throughout the care flow, to perform calculations (e.g. Calculate BMI), configure if this-then-that transition logic (e.g. if BMI > X) and set your track triggers (Start track "Overweight follow-up" if BMI is > Y).

In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating your own form.

πŸ‘€ tip: you can also use forms as placeholders for M2M (machine-to-machine) communication, i.e. when the care flow needs to halt progress and wait for incoming input coming from a 3rd party system at runtime.

Create a new form

After you add a form action to a step, select "add form" in the drop-down list to create a new form. You are automatically redirected to the form builder, where you can input the form name and start adding questions.

Add a question to your form

  1. There is no point in rebuilding available and clinically proven questionnaires. Hence, we're connected with Awell Score to allow importing validated content. Explore the question library for validated questionnaires you'd like to use.

  2. There is no point in re-creating your own custom questionnaires either. Avoid manual mistakes and overhead by using the import from JSON feature. If you have a copy of your own survey available, turn it into a JSON format and import into Awell Studio. Read more on the details here.

  3. Drag & drop question elements from the sidebar and build your form from scratch. See the below list of from builder elements that are available to create your user experience.

Form builder elements

The following question elements are available for composing your custom form and we'll go over them in greater detail with some examples below:

  • Utilize layout elements to organize and contextualize your form

  • Leverage clinical elements to capture data out of the box per healthcare standards, such as ICD-10 (ref. International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems)

  • Select elements capture structured data inputs; the heavy lifting is done during the creation of the form when you set pre-populated answer options and associated values

  • Insert text elements to record free-form data inputs such as numbers and open text fields with the option to apply validation rules where you see fit

1. Layout elements

  • Description - use this element to introduce the context of your form to your stakeholder, or provide feedback after a specific answer was provided. You can use links, photo's and videos to make the interaction more informative and engaging.

2. Clinical elements

  • ICD-10 classification - use this element to capture a single diagnosis as part of a clinical workflow. This field supports autocomplete functionality to help users find the correct ICD-10 code by typing either the code or the name of a medical condition.

    You can find more information on the usage of the ICD-10 code in conditional logic here.

3. Select elements

  • Single select - use this element when your stakeholder should only provide one answer to the question e.g. "How severe is your cough?". You can play around with different input options like type-to-search, and define the format of your answer options (number ("0") vs. text "optionA").

    See the next section for more information about loading answer options dynamically.

  • Multiple select - use this element when your stakeholder can provide more than one answer to the question e.g. "Select which symptoms apply?". You can set minimum and maximum ranges to control the number of selectable options.

  • Yes / No - use this Boolean question when only 'yes' and 'no' are answer options are required. Note that the boolean responses are stored as True/False.

  • Slider - allows the stakeholder to provide an answer based on a scale.

4. Text elements

  • Short text - use this element to let your stakeholder answer with a single line of text, e.g. when you don't expect or don't want to encourage long answers.

  • Long text - use this element to let your stakeholder answer with multiple lines of text, e.g. when describing a certain situation or how they are feeling.

  • Date - use this element when your stakeholder needs to pick a date, e.g. "What is your date of birth" and define which date inputs are valid in this given context (past, future incl. whether the date of response in itself is allowed).

  • Number - use this element when you only want numbers as an input, e.g. "What is your weight?" and define which ranges are valid.

  • Phone - use this element when asking for phone contact information, and define which country codes are allowed and presented as default.

  • Email - use this element when capturing an email address as e.g. part of an intake form. This field element includes basic HTLM5 validation and ensures the following requirements are met when submitting the form by the end-user:

    • Format Check: It verifies that the input contains the "@" symbol and a valid domain structure. For example, it will check if the input is in the format of [email protected].

    • Presence of Characters: The input must contain some characters before and after the "@" symbol. For example, or user@ would be invalid.

    • Domain Structure: It requires at least one period (.) after the "@" symbol with some characters before and after it, ensuring the domain looks something like

To return to building your care flow, click on the back button in the top left corner of your screen.

πŸ‘€ tip: There's more ground to cover when working with forms; you can also encode answer values and add conditional logic to your questions. And when you're done building a form, you can always edit an existing form. Take your time reading through these links, it will be worth your while.

Loading answer options dynamically (for single select)

You may encounter the need to pull a long list of answer options from a remote source, such as eligible locations for a specific insurance provider, which may change over time and therefore maintaining that list in a static way in Awell's form builder would be cumbersome.

We advise you to check out our Advanced Data Collection extension, and this video to get you going and experience greater flexibility when it comes to loading externally stored answer options for single-select questions in your forms

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